Arsenal To Wear Special All-White Kit In FA Cup Tie To Raise Awareness Against Crime


Arsenal have announced that they will wear a one-off all-white kit for Sunday’s FA Cup tie against Nottingham Forrest in an initiative that aims to tackle knife crime and youth violence.

The club has joined forces with kit suppliers Adidas to work on the campaign called “No More Red” which aims to shed light on the ongoing social issues that impact the lives of young people in London.

In London alone, there were 10,000 knife crime offences during the 12-month period of June 2020 to 2021. Within that period, the highest number of teenage murders since records began were recorded.

Arsenal will break their tradition of wearing red and will instead wear the all-white kit in their FA Cup tie against Nottingham Forrest, marking the launch of the initiative.

The club has also stated that they will not make the kit commercially available. Instead, they will be awarded to individuals who are making a positive difference in the community.

In addition, the shirts worn by the outfield players that day will be gifted to organisations doing their bit in the community to address the root causes of knife crime and youth violence.

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Founder of Don’t Stab Your Future, popular English actor Idris Elba, who is also a mentor for the campaign said:

“From the time young people leave school, until the time they’re at home with family, there is often a void, a dangerous spike of nothing to do, where nothing can easily turn to something dangerous.

“If there continues to be no options for this after-school period, we will always see gangs form. Let’s create options for these young people.”

“Every young person deserves the opportunity to express themselves. The opportunity to exist within a safe environment. The opportunity to live free from fear of violence,” Arsenal legend Ian Wright added.

“We can never accept loss of life through youth violence as ‘normal’ in our city and it’s so important that we all work together to create a better environment for young people.

“By giving young people more places to play sport, more support, and access to individuals who can inspire them, together we can help make a difference to young people in London.”

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Muslihat Shaka
About Muslihat Shaka 520 Articles
Just another girl passionate about football.

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